Sources Say Bill Lee’s COO Brandon Gibson Now Unlikely to Pursue Attorney General Position Due to Negative Reaction

Sources familiar with the political intrigue around the Tennessee Capitol tell The Tennessee Star that Governor Bill Lee’s preferred choice for attorney general, Tennessee COO Brandon Gibson, is letting it be known that she’s “now unlikely to even to apply for the job.”

“It appears as though – based on how she is presenting this around, that the reception she received when news of her taking over the job was broken and became a topic of public discussion – it has taken the shine off of Gibson wanting to be Tennessee attorney general and to deal with the legislature and she is no longer sure she wants the job,” said one source on the condition of background.

“Word on the street is that Brandon Gibson is unlikely to apply and the response to her impending application for the position of AG was so negative that she is unlikely to apply,” added another source.

“Since news of her interest in the position broke, Gibson has come under increasing scrutiny and Governor Lee’s plan has been thrown into turmoil,” said an additional source familiar with the thinking of the legislature.

The vacancy is being created because Tennessee Attorney General Herb Slatery is not seeking reappointment. His term ends on August 31, 2022.

Previously reported, sources familiar with the thinking of Governor Bill Lee and his team told The Star that it was previously believed that Gibson’s appointment by the Tennessee Supreme Court was “a done deal.”

One source said in late May, “It is very well thought by Governor Lee’s team and highest corners of office in the executive branch that the open attorney general seat is a lock to go to Brandon Gibson.”

It was noted that it was “generally held belief amongst those high up in the Lee administration and the Governor himself, that she [Gibson] has the job in the bag. ”

“The belief is the only way that she doesn’t get the job is that if she decides she doesn’t want it,” another source said in May.

The Tennessee Supreme Court announced in mid-July the details of the application process in the search to find the next attorney general.

“The Tennessee Supreme Court will open the application period for the position of State Attorney General and Reporter on July 15, 2022. Under the state constitution, the Tennessee Attorney General and Reporter is appointed by the state Supreme Court and serves an eight-year term. The term for the new Attorney General will begin September 1, 2022,” said the Court in a statement.

The Court noted that applications are due by Friday, July 29 and there will be public hearings and candidate interviews on August 8 and 9.

“Interested candidates must submit an application by 12:00 p.m. CDT on Friday, July 29, 2022. The Supreme Court will hold a public hearing to interview candidates on August 8 and 9, 2022 at the Nashville Supreme Court Building. The hearings will be livestreamed to the TNCourts YouTube page,” the Court said.

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Aaron Gulbransen is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected]. Follow Aaron on GETTRTwitterTruth Social, and Parler.
Photo “Brandon Gibson and Bill Lee” by Brandon Gibson.


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3 Thoughts to “Sources Say Bill Lee’s COO Brandon Gibson Now Unlikely to Pursue Attorney General Position Due to Negative Reaction”

  1. Maury Insider

    No show Andy.

    He has missed 65% of Maury County Commission Meetings in the last 18 months.

    He didn’t participate in any of the budget meetings or express concerns or provide alternatives. But dropped a bomb veto at the last minute which put the County finances in peril.

    He doesn’t show up at the most important Maury County Commission Meeting in 100 years, but is at a pub in Bellevue fundraising.

    He doesn’t show up with Maury County Leaders trying to get an Impact Fee passed through the TN House because he is elsewhere at the Capitol lobbying to get Ortagus and Starbuck off the ballot.

    He doesn’t file a required FEC financial report. Is he incompetent or being sleezy? Or both?

    No show Andy.

  2. Cannoneer2

    Why does Tennessee need a COO? We made it just fine for over 200 years without one…

  3. 83ragtop50

    Another on of Lee’s brilliant choices. How many can we survive?
